Thursday, December 11, 2014

Random thoughts on the state of things

One of our country's greatest problems is that we elected an intellectual with morals, but we've created a culture of self-entitled, under-educated morons.

Part of this goes back to the educational system - teach history, philosophy, science - and that includes biology, sex ed, and yes kiddos, there are far-reaching consequences, whether you are conquering nations or screwing your neighbor's daughter.


I am struck, almost daily, by the selfishness of people.  The stupid stuff we publicly complain about.  Read the comments on your local TV or newspaper website -- an eye-opener, to be sure.  Not only that people can be so cruel, shortsighted, and selfish, but that the computer screen has brought to the surface this need to say whatever, however nasty it may be, just because we now "can" spew whatever is in our heads and hearts to an audience.

The fact that "we" (as a culture or society) are too lazy, complacent, or outright stupid to fact check a story, photo, or statement before we blindly hit the "share" button --- repeatedly.  Let's say it together - just because it's in a picture on Facebook, doesn't mean it is true.  If it seems a little questionable to you, it is probably false.  If it seems ridiculous, it definitely is.  Everyone has Google.  Everyone can visit

Oh, and Wikipedia is user-generated / anyone can edit it.  Which means, it is not a "go to" source for facts, folks.


"Weather-related emergencies" - learn to live with the earth.  I love all the headlines on "how to survive a (fill in the weather or natural disaster here)."  Rule 1:  Don't be a dumbass.  Don't drive into water, don't try to drive in a blizzard, don't walk out onto the lake because it 'looks' frozen, slow the fuck down in a downpour, if it rains 6 inches in 2 hours and you live near a creek, go stay with a friend or your mama for the day or go kill some time in town.  Don't hop in your truck when you see a tornado to try to get closer or outrun it, don't sit in your truck if one is coming, don't stand outside and watch it, and if possible, follow your 3rd grade storm-drill training instead.  


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