I never let my "friends list" get out of hand on Facebook. I didn't 'friend' people I didn't know in real life, I tried not to friend people at the office, and after awhile, I stayed away from accepting friend requests from other people's kids.
When I deleted by profile, I had about 150 people on my friends list - people I went to high school or college with, people I knew socially, people I saw on a regular basis, my family and my 'boyfriend's' family.
Somehow, his mother was always getting offended by things I posted (I tried not to post much overtley political stuff, because I really hated reading political posts by other people). If I posted a relationship article, he would roll right past it, but his mother would ask him what was wrong. (You know, don't come to me and don't assume it has nothing to do with you....) My cousin was always complaining about her marriage and her horrible life (she has a good job, a home, a car, a supportive extended family, and she married an asshole.) One aunt is on one side of the political spectrum, an uncle is on the other. So I am not friends with both of them (mostly because I don't want to read dear uncle's hate-rants any more than anyone else on the planet does). I'm sure most families are the same way as mine.
It's been about two weeks. Not one person has asked me where I have been - I was posting 3-5 times a day because I work online and had the habit of clicking 'share' on interesting articles or sharing cool things that clients are up to. Not one person out of 156 has noticed that my posts have disappeared.
I told one person - because she was talking about tagging me in a video - that I had deleted my profile. I told a friend who has a tendency to send me a Facebook message that she needed to text me instead.
I haven't told anyone else.
I'm curious to see how long it takes to hear from someone who cared enough about what I was posting -- or cares enough to notice that I'm not posting.
I'm noticing that the entire internet is becoming a "sign in with your Facebook" account universe.
And, I'm going through Spotify withdrawls because of that.
Most significantly, I've noticed is that some people just assume that you are seeing everything happening in their lives on Facebook, so there is no need for them to tell you about it. There's no need for any face to face, person to person conversation, because they are posting their lives on Facebook for the whole world to see, and that is so much easier than cultivating a relationship with an actual human being. There's no need to pick up the telephone or have lunch with someone because - hey, if it's important, it's on my Facebook page.
It makes those science fiction movies we grew up on seem less strange when you consider that people would rather scroll through their Facebook feed than have a normal conversation.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Random thoughts on the state of things
One of our country's greatest problems is that we elected an intellectual with morals, but we've created a culture of self-entitled, under-educated morons.
Part of this goes back to the educational system - teach history, philosophy, science - and that includes biology, sex ed, and yes kiddos, there are far-reaching consequences, whether you are conquering nations or screwing your neighbor's daughter.
I am struck, almost daily, by the selfishness of people. The stupid stuff we publicly complain about. Read the comments on your local TV or newspaper website -- an eye-opener, to be sure. Not only that people can be so cruel, shortsighted, and selfish, but that the computer screen has brought to the surface this need to say whatever, however nasty it may be, just because we now "can" spew whatever is in our heads and hearts to an audience.
The fact that "we" (as a culture or society) are too lazy, complacent, or outright stupid to fact check a story, photo, or statement before we blindly hit the "share" button --- repeatedly. Let's say it together - just because it's in a picture on Facebook, doesn't mean it is true. If it seems a little questionable to you, it is probably false. If it seems ridiculous, it definitely is. Everyone has Google. Everyone can visit snopes.com.
Oh, and Wikipedia is user-generated / anyone can edit it. Which means, it is not a "go to" source for facts, folks.
"Weather-related emergencies" - learn to live with the earth. I love all the headlines on "how to survive a (fill in the weather or natural disaster here)." Rule 1: Don't be a dumbass. Don't drive into water, don't try to drive in a blizzard, don't walk out onto the lake because it 'looks' frozen, slow the fuck down in a downpour, if it rains 6 inches in 2 hours and you live near a creek, go stay with a friend or your mama for the day or go kill some time in town. Don't hop in your truck when you see a tornado to try to get closer or outrun it, don't sit in your truck if one is coming, don't stand outside and watch it, and if possible, follow your 3rd grade storm-drill training instead.
Part of this goes back to the educational system - teach history, philosophy, science - and that includes biology, sex ed, and yes kiddos, there are far-reaching consequences, whether you are conquering nations or screwing your neighbor's daughter.
I am struck, almost daily, by the selfishness of people. The stupid stuff we publicly complain about. Read the comments on your local TV or newspaper website -- an eye-opener, to be sure. Not only that people can be so cruel, shortsighted, and selfish, but that the computer screen has brought to the surface this need to say whatever, however nasty it may be, just because we now "can" spew whatever is in our heads and hearts to an audience.
The fact that "we" (as a culture or society) are too lazy, complacent, or outright stupid to fact check a story, photo, or statement before we blindly hit the "share" button --- repeatedly. Let's say it together - just because it's in a picture on Facebook, doesn't mean it is true. If it seems a little questionable to you, it is probably false. If it seems ridiculous, it definitely is. Everyone has Google. Everyone can visit snopes.com.
Oh, and Wikipedia is user-generated / anyone can edit it. Which means, it is not a "go to" source for facts, folks.
"Weather-related emergencies" - learn to live with the earth. I love all the headlines on "how to survive a (fill in the weather or natural disaster here)." Rule 1: Don't be a dumbass. Don't drive into water, don't try to drive in a blizzard, don't walk out onto the lake because it 'looks' frozen, slow the fuck down in a downpour, if it rains 6 inches in 2 hours and you live near a creek, go stay with a friend or your mama for the day or go kill some time in town. Don't hop in your truck when you see a tornado to try to get closer or outrun it, don't sit in your truck if one is coming, don't stand outside and watch it, and if possible, follow your 3rd grade storm-drill training instead.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Been a long time
I haven't logged on in several months.
I have been busy with life.
Riding last year's rescue, working with this year's rescue, contemplating that my pasture can't hold any more and wondering if I will ever be able to let any of them go.
If I'm honest, living life trying to get away from the computer screen when I'm not at work, being tired of sitting down for an hour with the "significant other" who is more interested in his phone screen and Facebook conversations with 'friends' than face-to-face conversation about real life.
I have debated deleting the blog, but there is a lot of good here. For example, the Terri Vincent blogs, which are now backed up by her indictment. Life is funny, but karma's a ------. Well, you know.
I am going to change directions a bit.
I'm going to start commenting on life in general, rather than just life with horses and those bad apples. Because let's face it; there are bad apples everywhere. There are too many people with no voice, and too many people who live wrapped up in their selfish, shortsighted little bubbles without a thought for life passing on the outside. Sure, everyone has problems. Maybe by talking about some of them, one other person will relate and feel better.
I have been busy with life.
Riding last year's rescue, working with this year's rescue, contemplating that my pasture can't hold any more and wondering if I will ever be able to let any of them go.
If I'm honest, living life trying to get away from the computer screen when I'm not at work, being tired of sitting down for an hour with the "significant other" who is more interested in his phone screen and Facebook conversations with 'friends' than face-to-face conversation about real life.
I have debated deleting the blog, but there is a lot of good here. For example, the Terri Vincent blogs, which are now backed up by her indictment. Life is funny, but karma's a ------. Well, you know.
I am going to change directions a bit.
I'm going to start commenting on life in general, rather than just life with horses and those bad apples. Because let's face it; there are bad apples everywhere. There are too many people with no voice, and too many people who live wrapped up in their selfish, shortsighted little bubbles without a thought for life passing on the outside. Sure, everyone has problems. Maybe by talking about some of them, one other person will relate and feel better.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Head meets desk ... repeatedly
I know most people probably don't look at Craigslist, LSN, and the horses for sale Facebook groups on a regular basis. Horse people should. Maybe if the horse community at large was aware of how large the "problem" is, we would all be more responsible. Better stewards. Make more responsible decisions when it comes to breeding, training, and selling. More willing to help our our neighbor who thought they'd be good and buy their kids a pony without knowing the first thing about horse care.
Among today's winners .... horses #24, #25, and #26 for sale (seriously, that's how the ads are titled) from "the boss has too many horses, needs to sell some" -- and they are all yearlings and 2 year olds. So, "boss" has known for at least 2 years that "boss" has too many, but has continued to breed. And, what's "boss" breeding? Tennessee Walking Horses in middle Tennessee, where the asking price is all of $300. It costs more than $300 to feed a pregnant mare, weanling and yearling properly. So, how do you even justify breeding multiple mares if you can't get more than $300 for their offspring???
An older pony who is "too old to ride" - although in all her photos she is in good weight - but the seller doesn't know how old she is and doesn't seem to care. Probably someone who doesn't know much and hasn't been helped or given any guidance. (Chances are, pony foundered at some point and walks like her feet hurt, leading to the "too old to ride" myth). Sorry, but look at the endurance Arabian still winning at 37. The average age of an NFR qualifier 2 years ago was 23 or 24. Some horses need to be retired; many others do best with some sort of job, even if it is light rides around the pasture a few times a week.
$75 and $100 "good" saddles. Newsflash: If it is a $75 saddle, you don't want to ride your horse in it. A poorly fitting saddle can cause all kinds of issues - sore withers, sore backs - have a horse that bucks, rears or doesn't want to move out? Check your saddle fit!
Horse's fault is that he throws his head and sometimes pops up -- Ever have his teeth floated? Chances are no, and chances are that's because he's never seen a vet or you never listened when the vet suggested it might need to be done. Sorry, but that's $80 you really do need to spend every year, whether your vet does it or you have an 'equine dentist' do it.
3 year old stallion is pastured with geldings -- and mares -- but "doesn't know he's a boy." Excuse me, but I'm sure he does. Even though he is your sweet, innocent baby that you think needs to keep his nuts for no good reason at all, if a mare's in heat and around a stallion, nature is nature. And, I'd bet next year's hay that you'll have some surprise additions to your pasture sometime this year.
Among today's winners .... horses #24, #25, and #26 for sale (seriously, that's how the ads are titled) from "the boss has too many horses, needs to sell some" -- and they are all yearlings and 2 year olds. So, "boss" has known for at least 2 years that "boss" has too many, but has continued to breed. And, what's "boss" breeding? Tennessee Walking Horses in middle Tennessee, where the asking price is all of $300. It costs more than $300 to feed a pregnant mare, weanling and yearling properly. So, how do you even justify breeding multiple mares if you can't get more than $300 for their offspring???
An older pony who is "too old to ride" - although in all her photos she is in good weight - but the seller doesn't know how old she is and doesn't seem to care. Probably someone who doesn't know much and hasn't been helped or given any guidance. (Chances are, pony foundered at some point and walks like her feet hurt, leading to the "too old to ride" myth). Sorry, but look at the endurance Arabian still winning at 37. The average age of an NFR qualifier 2 years ago was 23 or 24. Some horses need to be retired; many others do best with some sort of job, even if it is light rides around the pasture a few times a week.
$75 and $100 "good" saddles. Newsflash: If it is a $75 saddle, you don't want to ride your horse in it. A poorly fitting saddle can cause all kinds of issues - sore withers, sore backs - have a horse that bucks, rears or doesn't want to move out? Check your saddle fit!
Horse's fault is that he throws his head and sometimes pops up -- Ever have his teeth floated? Chances are no, and chances are that's because he's never seen a vet or you never listened when the vet suggested it might need to be done. Sorry, but that's $80 you really do need to spend every year, whether your vet does it or you have an 'equine dentist' do it.
3 year old stallion is pastured with geldings -- and mares -- but "doesn't know he's a boy." Excuse me, but I'm sure he does. Even though he is your sweet, innocent baby that you think needs to keep his nuts for no good reason at all, if a mare's in heat and around a stallion, nature is nature. And, I'd bet next year's hay that you'll have some surprise additions to your pasture sometime this year.
bad breeders,
common sense,
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