Today's WTF Craigslist moment. Here we have a 15 year old "reg." broodmare. It never mentions what she is "reg." as. Does it matter? Apparently not to the current owner.
Incredibly underfed, straight shoulder, long back, weak hip, post legged...heck, her entire back end is horrible. Definitely need to pass all these traits along to offspring for a next generation of $400, broken down young horses. Who the HELL looked at this mare in her youth and thought, "let's not break her, let's BREED BREED BREED her!"
Not to mention, it looks like she may have an old injury on the right front knee, and maybe an eye infection going on, too.
Yes, I think we should breed her every year, because she is a shining example of a "reg." horse. Sarcasm intended.
There are one of two ways this will end. A good Samaritan will see this mare's ad, go negotiate a price, take her home, feed her right, vet her, and keep her as a pet or turn her into a trail horse.
The seller will quickly realize no one is going to pay $400 for a 15 year old broodmare-only that looks like crap and is built like crap, and will get tired of feeding her. They'll haul her to one of the local sales and take the first $100 bid, likely from a dealer or killer who will spend a few weeks throwing high-pro food into her to fatten her up fast before shipping her.
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