Monday, June 3, 2013

Playing the Odds

"They say" it can't be done.

"They say" it won't be worth it.

"They say" why bother.

I said, I'm willing to try.  Nevermind that I'm a sucker for old-time quarter horse conformation and bloodlines.

It is never the horse's fault.

The mare didn't ask to spend the last seven years popping out babies.  She doesn't care whether they were the right color or size.  She's lived out in a pasture with other broodmares, occasionally being moved from one farm to the other as needed, herded on and off a stock trailer like a cow or goat.  She remembers being handled as a young horse, but sometimes she's not sure how to react to all the changes in her life.    

If it wouldn't be like starting all over, I wouldn't care.  I would be a little surprised, and a little thrilled, but I'm completely expecting that she is an 11-year-old blank slate.  We move forward day by day.  She's never been handled while she's had a colt at her side.  She's learned that's okay.  She enjoys her brushing and barbie-doll time.  She'll be back under saddle this fall after more than an 8 year break.  It might be easier than "they" think.  But if it's not, that will be okay, too.  We'll keep moving forward day by day, figuring each other out, learning to trust each other.  Maybe, just maybe, we'll prove "them" wrong.  

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