Thursday, January 26, 2012

Random Question Day

Why does Farmers Co-Op put high fructose corn syrup in its private-label horse feeds?  What nutritional value does it have for a horse?

Why do people think it's fine and dandy to breed their 2 or 3 year old horses?  Do they think teen pregnancy is normal and expected, too?

Why do people advertise selling a horse that "hasn't been ridden in a year" instead of going out and getting on them a few times?  (or paying someone else to do it!?)

Why do people continue to think that selling an unbroke but bred 3 or 4 year old mare makes her worth $1500 when they couldn't sell her open (not bred) for $500?

Why do people keep a pet horse until it is 9, 10, or 11, then realize they can't afford their 950 pound lawnmower, so they either give him away or sell him "to good home only" for $200?? -- NewsFLASH -- since you couldn't be bothered to train your pet horse when you bought him as a weanling, you've pretty much, 9.5 times out of 10, guaranteed him a trailer ride to a slaughterhouse, not a "good home only."

Why do people breed random breed, random color mare to random breed, random color stallion, and expect anything other than a random breed, random color foal?

And along those same lines, why do people look at "but he has Man O'War" (8 generations back) or "she has Doc Bar" (6 generations back), and think this justifies breeding another foal?

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